Experiencing Vietnam – Places You Must Visit


Vietnam is one of the most mystical and attractive world destinations to many travellers. The country has a population of almost 100 million people, and it’s one of the most historically rich places you can visit. From history to luxury, Vietnam ticks all boxes for a truly life-changing journey, and…

Is reading really therapeutic? Can it be used to help with your mental wellbeing? check out why we think it can via @tbookjunkie

Reading as Therapy


These days it is easy to find a therapist because of online solutions like BetterHelp.com. But did you know that picking up a book could be therapeutic as well? There are several mental health benefits to reading that are backed up by mounting scientific evidence. Reading is great for the…

How to Help Someone who is Grieving


Life is hard, especially at the moment. We are all facing struggles during this pandemic that we never expecting. Being told time and time again that we need to remain at home and not socialise with out loved ones is difficult, especially during the winter months when many people grapple…