
Review: The Holdout by Graham Moore


“She stabbed her husband while he was sleeping and then cut off his head with a pair of garden shears.” The actions of Belen Vasquez, a client of Maya Seale, may seem extreme, but how does anyone know how they would respond to years of abuse. When enough is enough…

Review: Dear Wife by Kimberly Belle


Beth Murphy is on the run, trying to leave an abusive relationship behind. She has been planning this for at least the last ten months, if not longer, but is still worried he will find her, somehow. We haven’t yet been introduced to this husband of hers but it sounds…

Review: A Prison in the Sun by Isobel Blackthorn


Before we even explore the story Isobel Blackthorn highlights to the reader that this novel has been written to honour and remember those individuals imprisoned in Agricola Penitenciaria in Tefia under General Franco’s regime.  Located on the island of Fuerteventura this prison was brutal, likened to the conditions one would…

Review: Buried by Lynda La Plante


In the aftermath of a fire breaking out at a remote house near Aylesbury, a badly burned and blackened body is found.  However, it is definitely not the previous owner of the place as she has unfortunately just passed away. Perhaps it was a vagrant trying to stay warm and…

You Never Told Me is the latest novel by Sarah Jasmon. Read the full review via @tbookjunkie

Review: You Never Told Me by Sarah Jasmon


Charlie doesn’t seem to like backpackers or the fact that they represent privilege, freedom and even perhaps naivety. All she sees is the way these individuals take over cities and countries, not necessarily thinking about the impact they have on the local communities. But then she is in Thailand herself,…

Convictions by Caro Land, a full review by tbookjunkie on the first in a series of court room dramas

Review: Convictions by Caro Land


Natalie is back in town, returning from Mallorca to the firm after several years enjoying life as the landlord of her very own Spanish bar with her wayward boyfriend, Jose.  Her reality check came when she received a call from her mum’s next-door neighbour explaining that Anna, her rock, had…