Book Reviews

On the Bone latest Novel Barbara Nadel

On the Bone by Barbara Nadel


‘On the Bone’, a mystery crime novel set in the Turkish city of Istanbul, is a novel full of controversial topics which many may not wish to read about. The topic of human transgression is rife in this book and includes many taboo subjects that could especially offend those of…

6 Reasons to Read Jules Verne

6 Reasons to Read Jules Verne


Often referred to as the founder of Sci-Fi, Jules Verne had, over his lifetime, created several works of fiction that are still loved by many today. “In consequence of inventing machines, men will be devoured by them” (Jules Verne) Even well-known entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, and adventure seekers like Nellie…

The Prodigal by Nicky Black

The Prodigal by Nicky Black


Rating: ** Pages: 284 Self published by Nicky Black in 2015 Have you ever persevered with a book because deep down you know that eventually, even if it is slow at the beginning, something is going to happen, to grip you, to make you want to read more.  ‘The Prodigal’…

Summer of Ghosts by P.D. Viner

Summer of Ghosts by P.D. Viner


    “Early impressions are hard to eradicate from the mind” (St. Jerome) I first met P.D. Viner at Theakston’s Crime Writing Festival in Harrogate last year and whilst I found the man intriguing, his book, or rather his book cover, did very little to engage me.  Perhaps it goes…