Murder on a Silver Platter by Shawn Reilly Simmons
Murder on a Silver Platter: The Story
“Arlena came running down the road, the beam of her flashlight bouncing wildly in the dark. When she turned the bend, she saw Penelope lying face down in a snow bank, soaking wet and screaming, waving a fluffy white ski cap in the air, her face inches away from that of a dead girl’s.” (Page 13)
Preferring not to be the centre of attention, Penelope is more at home curling up in from of the fire with a good Agatha Christie novel and a nice glass of wine, therefore, being thrown into the middle of a real-life murder investigation was somewhat of a shock to her system. The fact that the murder scene is right outside her house only seems to heighten the despair she feels for the poor girl lying motionless in the mound of snow.
Her friend and housemate however, is use to being in the limelight. Known as the actress that appeared in a series of popular slasher movies, Arlena Madison, is an up-and-coming young starlet with a leading role in what could be her big break and whilst she is seeing this as a sad incident, to begin with even Arlena cannot foresee the impact it will potentially have on her budding career.
“And you’ve never seen the young girl outside before?” Officer Jenkins asked…
“I only saw a little of her, part of her face was sticking out of the snow and she was blue.” A shiver came over Penelope as she pictured the full blue lips on the girl’s frozen face. “But no, I don’t think so. We work on movie sets and see hundreds of people a day, a lot of them strangers if they’re extras or day players.” (Page 15)
At this stage it is beginning to seem like an unfortunate incident has simply taken place outside their home with little connection to either inhabitant inside, but can that really be the case?
Back on set, the strangest things begin to happen. Firstly, new lines are delivered to Arlena just moments before filming is due to start; new lines that were never agreed to by the director. Then Arlena is rushed into hospital after a golf buggy runs her down whilst she is rehearsing lines with her on-screen husband. However, the final straw comes when someone tampers with Arlena’s makeup causing her to go into anaphylaxis shock and almost killing her.
At this point, you have to start to question whether the girl they found outside their house was the intended target after all.
As the story unfolds, we begin to learn more about the life of the dead girl. Holly Anderson, it appears was not outside Arlena and Penelope’s house purely by chance on that fateful night, she had actually been hoping to discuss a personal matter with the actress. It would appear that they had more in common after all – namely Randall Madison – their father.
Unbeknown to Arlena, she had actually starred into the face of her dead sister – but what had happened to her? Was it an accident or had it been a case of mistaken identity.
At the same time, Penelope finds herself falling for the detective on the case, Joey Baglioni, who just so happens to be the once fat guy she use to go to school with. Now not-so-fat Joey has clearly been working out, causing more than just Penelope to notice him. Will love blossom between them or ultimately will a jealous co-worker get in the way of any budding romance?
Travelling Book Junkie’s Thoughts
What I love about this book is that Shawn Reilly Simmons has used personal knowledge to develop her story-line. She has spent years cooking behind the scenes on movie sets which has lead to the inspiration for not only the story but also one of her main characters, Penelope Sutherland.
She is able to write about the lifestyle of a famous actress from firsthand experience, which means that rather than questioning something as unbelievable, because that could never happen on the set of a film you tend to believe what has been written.
For me, Murder on a Silver Platter was a great cosy crime bedtime read. Whilst fictional, the characters come alive on the pages and you get a true sense of who they are. At the same time the plot is well-thought, containing just about the right amount of prediction and suspense to entice the reader to finish it.
Not only do you find yourself wanting to know who killed Holly Anderson, you also have a desire to know more about the two lead characters, Arlena and Penelope.
If you are after a book to curl up on the sofa with on a miserable day – this could be a book for you.
Have you read any of the Red Carpet Catering Mysteries?
Perhaps you have read a cosy crime novel that you would like to recommend to others? We would love to hear your suggestions.
I like the whole murder and romance thing. It does add a bit of entertainment and love to something really grizzly.
I’m a huge reader so I’m always looking for new books to check out. I will be looking this up!
I love murder mysteries! This one looks great!
I need to start reading more! This is next on the list.
Murder mystery genre gives too much excitement!
Sounds great! I need more bedtime reading 🙂
I love reading books for bedtime and this is best for bed time
The title says that is something involving killing but the cover photo is so like a recipe book for baking. It’s weird combination but its cute and interesting
I’ve just started reading again as I missed it so much.
I’ve been looking for a good night time read, so I’llh ave to check this out!
I am a thriller killer kind of girl and then occasionally I will try a bit of chick lit x
Sounds like a lovely ‘who dunnit’ book to cosy on up to. My mummy misses those days! Maybe when I’m a bit older she will get back to reading books in the evenings again…instead of Blogging 😉
I’ve heard about that book somewhere, but didn’t get my hands on it yet – sounds like a great read for the evening 🙂 I enjoy crime stories once in a while!
I have never heard of this book before, I do love reading and discovering new books though xx
Wow, I’d pretty much turn white if I were in that position. Sounds interesting! I can relate to how the author was making Penelope, usually my own fictional characters are a sum of my own experiences. I’m not a writer though!
Looks like a great book to take away on holiday with me. Love something to try and solve
I sadly never get the time to read any more but this sounds like a great book. It’s always fab when the characters are so realistic to the reader.
That is a shame. This is a short novel as well at only 184 pages. I always try to make a bit of time for reading each day just to help me relax. Even if it’s only a couple of pages.
I had so much fun reading this post! Love your content, hope to see more like this soon!
Thanks Amy. I am glad you enjoyed reading the review, if you pick the book up to read I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
I do like a cozy mystery. The lifetime movies are great for that.
I sometimes like the cozy crime novels over a hard hitting gritty one. Yes, I love my crime novels but occasionally I like something a bit ko5re light hearted, like some of the afternoon crime dramas you watch on TV. 🙂
There’s a lot going on in the story, that’s for sure. It’s exciting and it’s definitely something that’s worth reading. I love a good mystery novel.
Mystery novels are so popular today it is great to find something a little bit different and these Red Carpet Catering Mysteries seem to do just that.
Would have to keep a look out for this book. Need a new evening read
Definitely have a look on Amazon then. Shawn Reilly Simmons is in the process of writing a whole series of them. I can’t wait to read the others.
No, I haven’t read any of these books, but they look good. I might add them to my Summer reading list.
This could be a perfect beach read. Not too heavy but intriguing enough to keep you engaged.
EPICNESS!!! Mad respect to anyone who does book reviews!
You rock
Thanks Enricoh. I always have a book in my hand so it seems natural to write about them. My travels are often literature focused as well. 😉
I love this before bedtime kind of stories! And I really really enjoy when a good story has believable characters!
Sometimes you want an easy read before bed and this one delivers on that. You don’t have to think to hard about the plot and as you say, the characters are believable.
I haven’t read any murder mysteries in years. I read more non fiction and romance novels for the summer beach days.
Laura, do you have any summer reads you would luke to recommend. I am always on the look out for new books, especially in genres I don’t normally pick.
I love mystery novels. This one looks a good read.
It is a nice read, with a few twists along the way but nothing that, as a reader, you question as false.
This looks like an interesting read I love crime novels.
If you enjoy crime I would try and get hold of a copy of this one. It is more light hearted than some out there.
Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll be adding this to my reading list x
Let us know what you think pf the story. I loved it but I know everyone has different tastes.
That seems like a great book, I’m a fan of murder mysteries, Poirot is my cchildhood favorite character!
Of you like Poirot and Agatha Christie type novels definitely try this one. It could easily feature as a tv programme like some of my favourite detective shows out there. 🙂
I bet this is a great read. Who doesn’t love a good murder mystery?
Crime is becoming more and more popular as a genre which I find brilliant as it is easily my favourite.